Wednesday 12 November 2014

Over the Top

Surviving the Fight or Fighting to Survive

Over the Top

Even more abuse from the ex's family. Yey! :) Screw it, I'm in a good mood anyway, despite more bad news about my internet... The date has been postponed! AGAIN! I am extreemly disappointed in Virgin, they came out yesterday to check the access points and said I would definitely have the internet on today! Well looks like I am screwed for my Social Work Presentation.... -.-

Anyway, I just got in from a good day at college, have had some really good giggles. I forgot my pass though! Costs £5 for a new one to get in! But I snuck in with my scarf and fluffy jumper so it was all good! Then Asif, the loveliest kindest person I think I have ever known lent me his pass when I went out to get lunch :) Would have been funny if they actually looked at the pass... they would have been like "um..... you don't look like an Asif Hussain to me...". Hey, I could have changed my name! :) I was chuckling in my head every time I went through the doors thinking about that.

So now I am in an unusually good mood! That's what usually happens after a low period. I go low, I go numb, then I go hyper and over the top. That's where I'm at now. I feel like singing at the top of my lungs, dancing around the house, cleaning like a nutter, getting some college work done and basically doing as much as I can in the shortest amount of time possible.

It's quite fun when I'm like this, I feel like it's some sort of cosmic justice, like the universe or god's or whatever you believe in's way of saying I'm sorry that you were depressed and tired and didn't get much of anything done, I'm going to give you what seems like a never ending supply of energy to make up for it. So you can catch up with the last weeks worth of f*ck all in two hours!

So yeah, not much to say other than a load of over excited gibberish, I might end up getting some of that presentation done on my own if I don't get preoccupied with wiping my skirting boards with anti-septic :)

So right now I really do have the energy to Survive the Fight and Fight to Survive! Hopefully it lasts for a while! :)

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